Although I am going through fall break currently, I thought with finals right around the corner it would be perfect to go through and share my favorite skills (and also help refresh my mind for the upcoming weeks, hehe). As one of my favorite bloggers said, Kirsten at Organized Charm, the school year is like a big "U". You start out the year highly motivated, and then slowly loose focus and get into other activities (and Netflix) but then once finals come around students all over the world kick it into gear. Over the past few years, I've picked up some of my favorite tips to just keep myself from hitting the bottom of the "U".
1. Creating a semester assignment sheet:
Another idea stolen from Organized Charm (you can find it here), it is just a place to quickly glance at everything that is going on for the upcoming month. And once that event/text/paper is over with, you just cross it off. Plus it makes it easier to fill out your planner at the beginning of every month.
2. Never stop writing:
While in class just keep writing for as long as the professor is talking. I am a perfectionist and I love my notes to be as neat as possible. And I also like using my computer, but I've learned that I retain the information better when writing. There was actually a study, if you are interested in taking a look you can find it here. But just re-write the notes at a different time so you can focus on the material; plus that will be two times you go over the information, which is better than once.
3. Take breaks while studying:
Studying can get a little boring, but it can also be very draining. What I do is for every forty-five minutes of studying, I take a five minute break. Five minutes doesn't seem like a lot of time, but it's plenty. Check social media, get another cup of coffee, snuggle with your dog (just to list a few of my ideal breaks). But all you have to do is get away from the screen, the chair, the notebook. You also retain information better.
4. Keep a planner:
This actually should have been number one. I can not stress how important it is to have a designated spot to put all your events. Life is crazy and it is easy to have three things lined up at the same time. I get so obsessed over not being the only person to miss something so not only do I write everything in my planner, but also put it in my phone calendar and also a calendar over my desk. And to make things a little bit easier write in a different color for each class.
(You can find Kate Spade planner here)
(You can find Kate Spade planner here)
5. Have a certain study spot:
All throughout high school I always did schoolwork in my bed (which is actually so bad). Not only was I having a harder time staying awake, but also I lacked in remembering the material. So for college I decided to get a desk together and have a specific space for school/work. Not only do I have to sit up straight, but I feel more motivated. It doesn't have to be anything fancy like the desks that we all pin on Pinterest, it just has to be a desk, a lamp, and a chair. I'm still in the middle of decorating my study space to how I want it. But just make it comfortable, and express yourself.
6. Post-Its are your best friend:
I keep these things in my purse, book bag, car (pretty much everywhere). Not only are they perfect for reminders. I use them more for remembering things. If I'm in the middle of Starbucks and remember an important event coming up, I can pull out my handy Post-Its and not have to take a chance of forgetting it. They especially come in good use for blog ideas, these ideas come at me at any minute of any day.
College can be very stressful, but it can also be the best time of your life. So although you want to have fun, you can't forget about what is important. If you have any of your own college tips let me know below, they just might help me out. And if you want more of an organized life check out my favorite blogger: Organized Charm.
Stay Tuned!
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